Mysql Questions | Questions with Answers in Mysql
Ans. Use Library;
Q2. The name column of a table members is given below:
Name |
Akash Amit Rajiv Preeti |
Based on the information, find the output of the following queries:
a. Select name from members where name like ‘%v’;
b. Select name from members where name like ‘%e%’;
Name Rajiv |
Name Preeti |
Q3. A table ‘Trains’ in a database has degree 3 and cardinality 8. What is the number of rows and columns in it?
Number of Rows : 8
Number of Columns : 3
Q4. Difference between Primary key and Unique.
Ans. Primary key identifies uniquely each record in the table. It cannot contain null and duplicate values.
Unique also identifies uniquely each record in the table. It can contain null values but cannot contain duplicate values.
Q5. Vinay, a student of class X1, created a table ‘Result’.Grade is one of the column of this table. To find the details of students whose grades have not been entered, he wrote the following Mysql query which did not give the desired result.
Select * from result where grade=’Null’
Select * from result where grade is null;
Q6. Write Mysql command to display the list of existing databases.
Show databases;
Q7. Mr.William wants to remove all the rows from Inventory table to release the storage space, but he does not want to remove the structure of the table. What Mysql statement should he use?
Delete from inventory;
Q8. Mr.Mittal is using a table with following columns:
Name, class, stream,stream_id,stream_name
He needs to display names of students who have not been assigned any stream or have been assigned a stream_name that ends with ‘Computers’.
He wrote the following command which did not give the desired output.
Select name,class from students where stream_name=null or stream_name like ‘%computers’;
Help Mr.Mittal to run the query by removing the error and write correct query.
Select name , class from students where stream_name is null or stream_name like ‘%computers’;
Q9. Ms.Nidhi wants to remove the entire content of a table ‘Backup’ alongwith its structure to release the storage space.What Mysql statement should she use?
Drop table backup;
Q10. What is the purpose of Drop Table command in Mysql? How is it different from Delete command.
Drop table Command is used to remove the entire content of a table alongwith its structure.
Delete table command is used to remove the rows from the table.
Q11. Consider the table Result given below .
Table: Result
No | Name | Stipend | Average | Division | Subject |
1 | Amit | 400 | 49 | Third | English |
2 | Sneh | 680 | 34 | First | Maths |
3 | Vijay | 500 | 56 | Second | Science |
4 | Preeti | 200 | 78 | First | Accounts |
5 | Sunita | 400 | 65 | First | History |
6 | Suman | 550 | 45 | Third | Computer |
a. To list the names of those students, who have obtained division as first in the ascending order of name.
b. To display a report listing name,subject and annual stipend received assuming that the stipend column has monthly stipend.
c. To count the number of students who have either accounts or computer as subject.
d. Select avg(stipend) from result where division=’third’;
e. Select count(distinct subject) from result;
f. Select min(average) from result where subject=’English’;
a. Select name from result where division=’third’ order by name asc;
b. Select name , subject , stipend*12 as ‘Annual Stipend’ from result ;
c. Select count(*) from result where subject=’accounts’ or subject=’computer’;
Or you can write as
Select count(*) from result where subject in (‘accounts’,’Computer’);
d. Avg(stipend)=475
e. 6
f. 49
Q12. What is the purpose of Alter Table command and how is differ from Update command?
Alter Command is used to modify the structure of the table. It can be in several ways like adding or dropping column, change the existing column name or definition or datatype, adding or dropping constraints such as primary key, unique, default etc..
For example:
Alter table table_name
Add primary key (id);
Update Command is used to modify or change the existing record in the table.
For example:
Update table_name
Set salary=20000 where eid=011;
Q13.What is the purpose of Group By Clause and how is differ from Order By Clause?
Group By Clause is used to sort or group a number of rows together so as to apply aggregate functions. It is used to sort and also find aggregate functions of each group.
For example : select max(salary) from employee group by department;
Order By Clause is used to only sort the rows in ascending or descending order.
For example : Select * from employee order by salary asc.
Q14. Table Hospital has 4 rows and 5 columns. What is the Cardinality and degree of this table.?
The Cardinality is 4
The Degree is 5
Q15. Differentiate between Having and Where with Select query command.
The Where with Select Query Command specifies the search condition used to determine the data that will appear in the result table. It is used to specify the rows you want to retrieve.
For example: Select * from student where grade=’A’;
Having Clause restricts grouped rows that appear in the result table. Groups are specified with the group by clause. You can combine search conditions with the And, Or, Not Operations.
For example: Select avg (fees) from student group by grade having sum(fees)>1500;
Q16. How many types of functions are there in sql and what are they?
Sql functions can be divided broadly into four categories:
a. Character Functions
b. Data Conversion Functions
c. Date Functions
d. Numeric Functions
Q17. Give the examples of character functions.
Ans. Character Functions :
LCase() : It is used to convert all characters into lower case character.
UCase() : It is used to convert all the characters into upper case character.
Q18. Give at least four examples of numeric functions.
Ans. Numeric Functions: Round(),Mod(),Power()
Q19. Which function returns the remainder of numeric expression.
Ans. Mod() function
Q20. Write the function which returns the character string by converting each character to lower character.
Ans. Lower() or LCase() function.
Q21. Which function returns the length of a string.
Ans. Length() function
Q22. Write the function name which returns specified number of character from a string.
Ans. SubString() function
Q23. How will you count number of characters in a character expression.
Ans. Length() function
Q24. How will you get computer date?
Ans. Sysdate() and Curdate() function
Q25. How will you remove leading and trailing blanks from a character string expression P, where P=”Amit#Jain####” (Here # denote as blank spaces).
Ans. Trim() function is used to remove leading and trailing blanks.
Select trim(“Amit#Jain####”);
Q26. What will be the output of
a. Select round(124.44)+mod(1200.87,3);
b. Select mod(30.500,5)+round(100.50,1);
a. 124.87
b. 101
Q27. Table : Employee
Empno | Ename | Job | MGR | Hiredate | Sal | Comm | Dept |
7369 | Amit | Clerk | 7902 | 1980-12-17 | 2800 | Null | 20 |
7499 | Sneh | Salesman | 7698 | 1981-02-20 | 3600 | 300 | 30 |
7521 | Preeti | Salesman | 7698 | 1981-02-22 | 5250 | 500 | 30 |
7566 | Vinay | Manager | 7839 | 1981-04-02 | 4975 | Null | 20 |
7654 | Deepak | Salesman | 7698 | 1981-09-29 | 6250 | 1400 | 30 |
7698 | Vishal | Manager | 7839 | 1981-05-01 | 5850 | Null | 30 |
7782 | Neeraj | Manager | 7839 | 1981-06-09 | 2450 | null | 10 |
Write some sql commands
a. Simple Select query questions.
· To select all the columns of the above table.
· To list the name and employee number from the above table.
· To list all names, hiredate and salary of all employee.
· Select * from employee;
· Select Ename, Empno from employee;
· Select Ename,Hiredate, Sal from employee;
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